Feeling Disempowered by Love and Relationships as a Single Mom

Love can be beautiful, but it can also leave us feeling disempowered, especially as single moms. Whether it’s from past heartbreaks, difficult co-parenting situations, or the fear of starting over, love can sometimes feel like it takes more than it gives.

But here’s the truth: love, in its truest form, is meant to uplift you, not bring you down. If you’ve been feeling disempowered by love, it’s time to reclaim your power. Here’s how.

I. Shift the Focus to Self-Love

One of the main reasons we feel disempowered in relationships is because we seek validation outside of ourselves. We look to a partner, an ex, or even societal expectations to tell us that we’re worthy of love. But real power comes from within—from the love we give ourselves.

Start by practicing self-love every day. This can be as simple as speaking kindly to yourself, writing affirmations, or doing something that brings you joy. Self-love isn’t selfish; it’s essential. When you love yourself fully, you set the standard for how others should treat you.

I’ve been there—wondering why things weren’t working out in a relationship and questioning what was wrong with me. It wasn’t until I began to truly love myself that I realized my worth doesn’t depend on someone else’s love or approval.

What is one way you can practice self-love today?

II. Redefine What Love Means to You

Many of us grow up with a specific idea of what love is supposed to look like—often tied to romantic relationships. But love is so much more than that. It’s the love you give to your children, the support you receive from friends, and the compassion you show yourself.

Take some time to reflect on what love means to you. Does it only come from a partner, or does it show up in other areas of your life? When you broaden your definition of love, you start to see that you are surrounded by it, even if it’s not in the form you initially expected.

For me, redefining love meant recognizing that I didn’t need a romantic relationship to feel whole. I found love in the laughter I shared with my child, the conversations with close friends, and the peace I created for myself.

How can you expand your definition of love to include the non-romantic forms in your life?

III. Establish Boundaries and Reclaim Your Power

When we feel disempowered in relationships, it’s often because our boundaries have been crossed. Setting boundaries is a way to protect your emotional and mental well-being, and it’s a powerful way to reclaim control over your life.

Think about the relationships in your life—whether they’re romantic, co-parenting, or even friendships. Where have your boundaries been blurred or ignored? What can you do to establish clearer boundaries that reflect your self-worth?

Setting boundaries doesn’t mean you’re pushing people away; it means you’re prioritizing your own health and happiness. When I began setting boundaries, I found that I no longer felt like I was sacrificing myself for others. I regained my power by honoring what I needed.

What boundary can you set this week to honor your self-worth?

Final Thoughts

Feeling disempowered by love and relationships is something many of us experience, but it doesn’t have to define you. By shifting your focus to self-love, redefining what love means to you, and setting boundaries that protect your well-being, you can reclaim your power.

You are worthy of love, starting with the love you give yourself. Don’t let past relationships or societal expectations determine your value. It’s time to step into your power and take control of how love shows up in your life.

What boundary can you set in your relationships this week to honor your self-worth?

Want more guidance on how to move from overwhelmed to empowered? Head over to my YouTube channel [@SingleMomsIgnite] to watch my latest video, where I dive deeper into these topics and share more personal stories and insights. Plus, join the conversation in the comments and let me know: What small step can you take this week to revitalize your spirit, rediscover your strength, or reclaim your power?
If you’re ready to start creating the life you deserve, let’s do this together. You’ve got this, mama!

Why Self-Love is Important and How to Practice It Every Day


From overwhelmed to empowered: how to revitalize your spirit, rediscover your strengths, and reclaim your power as a single mom