Why Self-Love is Important and How to Practice It Every Day

As single moms, we’re used to being the ones who hold everything together—whether it’s taking care of the kids, managing the household, or working hard to provide. But let’s be honest—how often do you truly take time to care for yourself? It’s easy to forget about our own needs when we’re so focused on everyone else’s.

But here’s the truth: self-love isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. Without it, we end up running on empty, feeling depleted and disconnected from who we are. I’ve been there. I remember a time when I was so caught up in taking care of everyone else that I completely lost sight of me. I thought being selfless was the ultimate goal, but in reality, I was burning out and losing my sense of self-worth.

If you’re nodding along and thinking, that’s me, then this post is for you. Today, I’m going to talk about why self-love is so important, the benefits it brings, and how you can start incorporating it into your daily life.

What is Self-Love?

Self-love is more than just pampering yourself with a spa day (although that’s lovely too!). It’s about valuing yourself, showing yourself kindness and compassion, and embracing who you are, flaws and all. Self-love means recognizing your worth without needing validation from anyone else. It’s about saying, “I’m enough,” even on days when you feel like you’re falling short.

When I first started my own self-love journey, I realized that I was my own worst critic. I would speak to myself in ways I’d never speak to a friend. The turning point for me was asking myself: Would I talk to someone I love like this? The answer was a resounding no. That’s when I knew I had to start treating myself with the same love and kindness I offered others.

Reflect: Take a moment to think about your inner dialogue. How do you speak to yourself? Is it with kindness or criticism?

How to Increase Self-Love

If self-love doesn’t come naturally, don’t worry—you’re not alone. It’s something many of us have to learn and practice. Here are three powerful steps to help you start:

  1. Be Kind to Yourself
    Practice speaking kindly to yourself, especially when you make mistakes. Replace harsh criticism with affirmations like, “I’m doing my best, and that’s enough,” or “I’m proud of myself for showing up today.” Imagine how your energy would change if you talked to yourself like a supportive friend instead of a harsh critic.

  2. Forgive Yourself
    We all have moments we wish we could do over. Maybe you lost your patience with your child or dropped the ball at work. Instead of holding onto guilt, practice forgiveness. Acknowledge what happened, learn from it, and let it go. You can’t change the past, but you can choose how you move forward.

  3. Treat Yourself Like a Friend
    When you’re feeling low, ask yourself: “What would I say to a friend in this situation?” Offer yourself that same compassion and encouragement. Remember, you deserve the same level of support that you so generously give to others.

Benefits of Self-Love

Why is self-love so important? Because it changes everything! When you make self-love a priority, you’ll notice these incredible benefits in your life:

  1. Self-Love is Essential for Happiness
    Loving yourself means you’re not constantly looking for others to fill your cup. You find contentment and joy from within, rather than seeking it from external sources.

  2. Self-Love Helps You Achieve Your Goals
    When you believe in yourself and your worth, you’re more likely to pursue your dreams and push through challenges. You start to see obstacles as opportunities for growth, rather than setbacks.

  3. Self-Love Makes You a Better Person
    When you’re kind and compassionate to yourself, you have more kindness and compassion to give to others. You become a better parent, friend, and partner because you’re operating from a place of love, not lack.

I know that when I started practicing self-love, I became more patient and present with my son. I was no longer running on empty, which meant I could show up for him with a full heart and a clear mind.

How to Practice Self-Love Daily

Self-love doesn’t have to be a big, grand gesture. It’s the small, consistent actions that add up over time. Here are three simple ways you can practice self-love every single day:

  1. Be Kind to Yourself
    Start your day with a positive affirmation, like “I am enough” or "I am worthy of love.” Whenever a negative thought creeps in, counter it with kindness.

  2. Forgive Yourself
    Write down one thing you’re holding against yourself and let it go. Remind yourself that you’re human and it’s okay to make mistakes.

  3. Treat Yourself Like a Friend
    When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe and ask yourself what advice you’d give to a friend. Say those same words to yourself and watch how your mindset shifts.

Challenges of Self-Love

Let’s be real—loving yourself isn’t always easy. There are days when self-love feels like an uphill battle. Maybe you’re dealing with past trauma, negative self-talk, or just feeling exhausted from all the demands life throws at you. It’s okay to struggle with it.

Be patient with yourself. Self-love is a journey, not a destination. Some days, you’ll get it right, and other days, it’ll feel impossible. That’s perfectly normal. The key is to keep showing up for yourself, even when it’s hard.

How to Get Help with Self-Love

If you’re finding it difficult to cultivate self-love, know that you don’t have to do it alone. There are many resources available to support you, such as:

  • Coaches: Working with a life coach can help you identify barriers to self-love and create a personalized plan to overcome them. A coach can offer guidance, accountability, and encouragement as you work through your self-love journey.

  • Therapists or Counselors: If your lack of self-love stems from deeper emotional issues or past traumas, a therapist or counselor can help you work through those challenges.

  • Support Groups: Sometimes, knowing you’re not alone is half the battle. Support groups offer a safe space to share your experiences and get encouragement from others who understand your struggles.

  • Books and Articles: There’s a wealth of information out there on self-love and personal growth. Find what resonates with you and immerse yourself in learning and growth.

Final Thoughts

Self-love isn’t just about feeling good in the moment—it’s about creating a foundation of worth and confidence that shapes every aspect of your life. It takes time and practice, but you’re worth the effort. Remember, you are deserving of love, starting with the love you give yourself.

What’s one small way you can practice self-love today? Share it in the comments below or write it down in your journal as a commitment to yourself.

Want to learn more? Head over to my YouTube channel @SingleMomsIgnite for more videos on personal growth and empowerment.

All the Best,

Ms. Glo

Want more guidance if you struggle to feel worthy or loveable? Are you ready to start creating the life you deserve, let’s do this together. Click the [Work With Me] button. You’ve got this, mama!

Feeling Disempowered by Love and Relationships as a Single Mom